Title 24 Energy Calculations
The Namaste Solar design team is fully versed in the new code requirements and Title 24 energy calculations necessary to properly design each solar panel system to the home and its specific climate zone. Along with helping you navigate Title 24, we are also experienced in dealing with specific AHJ and utility requirements in California (over half of our team’s design work is in CA) and across the nation.
“If you want full permit sets, you can trust that we’re going to get it through permitting for you,” says Dustin Lanning, Co-Owner and Residential Design Group Manager.
“You can calculate the system size all you want, but if you don’t include the right notes, equipment specifications, or calculations per jurisdiction, then the permit won’t be approved. We have 5 years and 100 plus AHJs worth of knowledge and are very ready to complete design work for customers across the country.”